Music of Entourage: All the music, artists and songs, from the hit HBO TV show Entourage at your fingertips. All songs from Entourage catalogued, every song from Entourage unleashed!

The music of Entourage is just one of many things that makes the show stand out from the crowd. The songs from Entourage set the theme for each show, propel the plot, and are an integral part of the setting. Not a single episode went by where I didn't hear a song that I just had to get my hands on. And this was always a challenge... until now!

We have done the research and created an index of all the songs from entourage, cataloging the music from each episode.. Please browse through the site to see who performed what songs in each episode. There are samples of songs and links where you can go to an online store and oder or download the music for yourself.

Check back for updates. We will continue to add more content and features.

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About Music of Entourage

The Music of Entourage lists every songs from Entourage, organized by season, episode and artist. If you hear a song from Entourage, in a specific episode and want to find out the name of the song or the artist, then you can browse through the seasons to the specific episode. On the episode page, you can listen to each song from Entourage during that episode to find the one you heard. You can also purchase and download the MP3 from Amazon or purchase the album.

If you know the singer, or band that performs a song from entourage and want to find the name of the song, find the album, or download the mp3, then you can use the artist search at the top of this page. This will let you find the music of Entourage performed by your favorite artist.

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