Music of Entourage: All the music, artists and songs, from the hit HBO TV show Entourage at your fingertips. All songs from Entourage catalogued, every song from Entourage unleashed!
Episode 08: New York (Season 1)
Los Lonely Boys
Album: Los Lonely Boys
Vince re-joins the crew after talking to one of his girlfriends.
Vince re-joins the crew after talking to one of his girlfriends.
Sean Anthony & DJ Qwik
Does Heaven Exist For Us
The entourage chill in their living room, then decide to go to the pool.
Danger Mouse & Jemini
Ghetto Pop Life
Eric drives Vince to a booty call across town.
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Rise Or Fall
Album: Take Them On, On Your Own
Drama & Turtle hand out flyers to Vince's “going-away” party.
Drama & Turtle hand out flyers to Vince's “going-away” party.
Danger Mouse & Jemini
Ghetto Pop Life
Vince makes a lovin'pit stop as Eric waits in the car.
Young MC
Feel The Love
Album: Engage the Enzyme
Drama, Turtle, and Vince enjoy their party, and Vince calls Eric for his wallet.
Drama, Turtle, and Vince enjoy their party, and Vince calls Eric for his wallet.