Music of Entourage: All the music, artists and songs, from the hit HBO TV show Entourage at your fingertips. All songs from Entourage catalogued, every song from Entourage unleashed!
Episode 68: Amongst Friends (Season 6)
The Bodega Girls
She's Into Black Guys
Album: She's Into Black Guys
Eric invites Sloan to the premiere.
Eric invites Sloan to the premiere.
De La Soul feat. Chaka Khan
All Good
Ashley shows up at Eric's house while he is moving in.
Sean Paul
So Fine
Album: Imperial Blaze (Deluxe Version)
The boys and their dates ride to the Gatsby premiere in a limo.
The boys and their dates ride to the Gatsby premiere in a limo.
Crank It Up
At the Gatsby premiere party.