Music of Entourage: All the music, artists and songs, from the hit HBO TV show Entourage at your fingertips. All songs from Entourage catalogued, every song from Entourage unleashed!
Episode 78: Give a Little Bit (Season 6)
The Diplomats of Solid Sound
Budget Fro
Album: The Diplomats of Solid Sound Featuring the Diplomettes
A car drives by the while the boys are exiting their own car.
A car drives by the while the boys are exiting their own car.
Bob Seger
Album: Bob Seger - Greatest Hits
Eric and Sloane drive up the Pacific Coast Highway
Eric and Sloane drive up the Pacific Coast Highway
Alpha Dog
Eric has no idea why Sloan is so angry.
Spider Harrison
Beautiful Day
Album: The Funky 16 Corners
Ari apologizes to Lloyd and makes him an agent.
Ari apologizes to Lloyd and makes him an agent.